Monday, August 31, 2009


It seems silly to update this now, when I intended to do so the day I returned from Guatemala. Something is pushing me, though. I'm finally ready to write that reflection.

So much has changed in my life since I left for Guatemala. Sparing you the details, I'll just say it's been an adventure, though probably the most difficult time of my life thus far. Time has passed so quickly, and now I find myself back at William and Mary, settled into an apartment with my two lovely roomies and best friends here. We have the windows open to the cool air, so uncharacteristic for the last day of August, and I am, per usual, procrastinating my reading just a little longer.

There was something about today - it was so peaceful. I babysat Oliver for the first time this afternoon and am so excited to watch him grow up over the next year. By spring he will be toddling around, rather than napping on my chest as I watch the history channel. As I tried my best to feed him something that once was sweet potatoes, I thought about the work I would be doing were I not there taking care of him. I think so often of what I want to do with my life, because as certain as I was in February, my summer internship reminded me how much I love archaeology: excavation, research, mapping, you name it. I sit in my archaeology of cities seminar and feel completely at home. I love too many things.

I'm home. Just a few months older and a little more confused. I guess that's life.