Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Caught Up

Over a year has passed since I returned from Guatemala - and quite a year it has been! I was excited to finish my undergraduate degree in Anthropology and History from William and Mary (hit "refresh" a couple times) this May, and have slowly but surely been making plans for the next year and beyond.  I wanted to revive this blog to keep everyone updated on my adventures.

Right after graduation, I volunteered with Alexandria Archaeology and George Washington University's field school - on "Shuter's Hill" by Alexandria's Masonic Monument - helping the instructors and guiding the students on archaeological method.  I am currently in Williamsburg, serving as a Resident Program Assistant with a Pre-Collegiate program in American History.  I'm essentially a mentor to the students, making sure they have the best experience possible.

When the program ends in mid-July, I will have a few days to do laundry and pack for the next stage of my summer journey, an internship with Crow Canyon Archaeological Center in Cortez, Colorado.  I will be a field research intern, working at Goodman Point, at a tenth through thirteenth century Pueblo Indian site.  After that?  We'll see what opportunities life decides to send my way.

1 comment:

  1. hey! that's a picture of you. on the w&m home page. you're famous! and you're doing NIAHD. say hi to katy lasdow for me!
