Monday, January 19, 2009

Je suis arrivée...wait...

Hey all! I wanted to let all of you who are checking this know that I arrived safely on Friday (around 4pm our time) and have settled in quite well to life in La Antigua Guatemala. I absolutely love it here - from my host family, to the food, to the people (especially my study abroad group and the people at CIRMA), the buildings, the weather, the plants, the volcanoes...I think I could go on forever. Antigua is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It is hard to be away from everyone and running on an entirely different schedule, but I am adjusting.

I will try and update later this week with more details about Antigua, classes, CIRMA, people and fun stories. I already have a few. Take care and I miss you all so much. Hasta luego!


  1. I'm glad you've arrived safely! I can't wait to hear about everything from classes to volcanoes. ;)

  2. This is Colleen. I'm just using Karin's account. Sounds awesome! By the way Karin and I decided we're visiting you this weekend. Let me know when you have pictures up of all the amazingness.

  3. Yay safe arrivals! Now all I need is a mailing address for you... :-)
